Fullerton College Fine Arts Division

Explore The Fine Arts Division at Fullerton College

Art Department

1,200 Art majors and over 2,500 students per semester study one or more of 50 classes in art history, advertising and graphic design, cartooning, ceramics, digital arts, drawing, jewelry, gallery operations, painting, sculpture, stained glass, and two and three dimensional design. A full gallery exhibition schedule is anchored by an Artist in Residence program that brings working professionals to the campus to conduct demonstration workshops, clinics, and talks for our students.


Music Department

875 majors and over 4,000 students per semester study one or more of 80 classes in music appreciation, music history, music theory, applied music, commercial music, piano pedagogy, sound recording, and/one or more of 25 performance groups. The Music Department maintains a special transfer agreement to the Berklee School of Music in Boston.


Theatre Arts Department

Over 200 majors and 800 students per semester study one or more of 35 classes offered in theatre appreciation, acting, costuming, directing, lighting, makeup, scene painting, stagecraft, stage management, and one or more theatrical production classes. The Theatre Department sponsors a playwrights festival, a directors festival, a musical theatre conservatory, and the largest high school theatre festival in the Western United States.


Areas of Study

Choose a path and get your career in the arts started right here at Fullerton College


Choose this pathway to transfer to a university Art program.

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Choose this pathway for professional training for creative industry jobs.

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